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Best Coaching Classes

Providing Knowledge Creating Future

We are SRM Institute

Promoted by Govt. of. India (TN/6149)

SRM Institute is the leading training institute in Coimbatore to provide a complete solution for your safety training needs. It is well known as the best place to learn the latest skills from experienced and certified professionals.

The courses are designed to help students develop skills in specific areas.

Our institute offers a wide range of courses that will help you improve your skills in various domains such as fire safety, teacher training, hotel management, fashion & beautician, etc.

Our Courses

Trending Courses

Beautician Courses

Best Coaching Classes

Providing Knowledge Creating Future


Best Courses

Fire technology and safety can be a great career opportunity for anyone looking for a challenging and competitive career.

Our well-trained faculty who are passionate about teaching, are enthusiastic about the subjects they teach.

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